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Palm Kernel Seed/Aki

Palm kernel seeds, derived from the fruit of oil palms (primarily Elaeis guineensis and Elaeis oleifera), are a significant source of food and nutrition in many parts of the world, especially in West Africa and Southeast Asia. They are the hard seeds encased within the palm fruit. While the palm fruit flesh itself yields palm oil, the kernel contains a different oil, palm kernel oil (PKO), and its by-product, the kernel seed itself, offers several nutritional and potential health benefits:

  1. Providing a concentrated source of energy and insoluble fiber, promoting digestive health.
  2. Primarily saturated fats, including lauric acid, myristic acid, and palmitic acid. The high lauric acid content contributes to the unique properties of PKO and, by extension, kernel seeds.
  3. Contributing to the building and repair of tissues. The protein content, while present, is generally lower than in protein-rich foods like legumes.
  4. Significant sources of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus and iron. Also other vitamins like vitamin E,K and B.

The primary concern with palm kernel seeds is their high content of saturated fats. Excessive consumption of saturated fats may increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in some individuals, which in turn could raise the risk of heart disease. Moderation and a balanced diet are key.



Dive into our well sourced and organic palm kernel seed brought to you from the motherland.  Palm kernel seeds offer a good source of energy, essential minerals, and potentially beneficial antioxidants. They can contribute to a balanced diet, particularly in regions where they are a traditional food source. However, due to the high saturated fat content, consumers should practice moderation in the consumption of these seeds. Integrating palm kernel seeds into a varied and balanced diet, prioritizing sustainable and ethical sourcing which we practice here at Camasi Foods, and being mindful of individual health needs are essential. Grab yours now!.


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